Located in Kenya (past Lake Chala), is very close. The nearest gate is about 50 kms from the hotel. A day trip to the extraordinary oasis of Mzima Springs, which supplies much of Mombasa’s fresh water, is feasible but there are additional expenses involved. A Kenya visa is required. This can be obtained at the border for $50 for most nationalities. Note that another visa to re-enter Tanzania would be required for the same price. If this trip is contemplated the visitors should ask for multiple entry visas if available. It would also be necessary to obtain the services of a Kenyan Safari Operator. Marangu Hotel recommends Brayogo Safaris, located at Voi, between West and East Tsavo Parks. The owner is named Okeno and has always been completely dependable.
He may be contacted at okenog@brayogosafaris.com.
Tsavo West National Park